
beautiful days
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Сергей Бабкин

А вот и не больно (услышал эту песню на его концерте в Churchill'лe, простоял как истукан, а затем через три дня, начало колбасить :) флешбэки и т.п.. Теперь вот жду его нового альбомчика Три)

Ты наверное думаешь:
Всё теперь получится.
Что сорвался с дуру я
И опять буду мучаться.

Давай, я покроюсь пятнами,
А ты задрожишь испуганно.
Станем до тошноты понятными
Для всех, но..
Только не друг для друга..

А вот и не больно...
А вот и не страшно..
Мы в целом довольны..
А это так важно..
Для нас..

Ты ещё не ушла на улице,
Я уже по тебе соскучался..
Дураки на ошибках учатся,
Мне б отучиться от одиночества.

Те, кто на фотоснимке целуются -
Так похожи на нас ещё.
Все желания наши сбудутся
Обязательно...мне так кажется...

А вот и не больно...
А вот и не страшно..
Мы в целом довольны..
А это так важно..

Посмотри на меня, пожалуйста,
Мы должны ещё раз увидеться.
Делай всё, что тебе не нравится,
Можешь даже всерьез обидеться.

Давай затаим дыхание,
Посмотрим, кто дольше из нас продержится...

А вот и не больно...
А вот и не страшно..
Мы в целом довольны..
А это так важно..

и вот еще одна, как по мне, неказистая с виду, однако внутри...


Мы персонажи фильма,
Где нет ни режиссеров,
Ни гримеров, ни операторов,
Ни осветителей нет.
где занято огромное
Количество актеров,
У каждого есть своя роль
Сверхзадача и текст
Мы персонажи фильма
Без лицеовй обложки
Без сантиментов, без интриг
Без аккомпонимент
Где нет ни лжи ни правды
Где всё настолько явно..
Сюжетная линия,
Главная линия..

Жизнь - один большой сценарий,
Сочиненный нами.
Не записываем в книгу,
Так запоминаем..
До конца ещё не знаем,
Что будет в финале, но..
Заряжаем и снимаем..снимаем..снимаем..

Мы персонажи фильма
На черно-белой пленке
Играем очень тонко..
Почти невидимы швы.
где нет статичных кадров,
Одна сплошная гонка.
Без крупняков, всё общим планом,
Как бы со стороны.
Мы персонажи фильма
Практически немого
С букетом спецэффектов
И разнообразных трюков.
Без каскадеров, без дублеров
И всего один дубль.
Одно неверное движение..
Стоп! Спасибо! Снято!
Жизнь - один большой сценарий,
Сочиненный нами.
Не записываем в книгу,
Так запоминаем..
До конца ещё не знаем,
Что будет в финале, но..
Заряжаем и снимаем..снимаем..снимаем..

Мы персонажи фильма,
А не телесериала.
Конец.. И никакого
Продолжения с хэппи-эндом.
Мы персонажи фильма,
Жаль, хороших фильмов мало..

Жизнь - один большой сценарий
Сочиненный нами
Не записываем в книгу,
Так запоминаем..
До конца ещё не знаем,
Что будет в финале, но..
Заряжаем и снимаем..снимаем..снимаем..


Mad Hatter
Three Days Grace (I Hate) Everything About you

Verse 1:
Everytime we lie awake
after every hit we take
every feeling that i get
but i haven't missed u yet

Every roommate kept awake
by every sigh and scream we make
all the feelings that i get
but i still don't miss you yet

Only when i stop to think about it...

I Hate Everything About You
Why Do I Love You?

Verse 2:
Everytime we lie awake
after every hit we take
all the feelings that i get
but i haven't missed you yet

Only when I stop to think about it...

I Hate Everything About You
Why Do I Love You?

Only when i stop to think
about you, i know
only when you stop to think
about me, do you know...

(New) Chorus:
You Hate Everything about me,
Why Do You Love Me?
Останнє редагування:


Mad Hatter
Three Days Grace

Worn out and faded
The weakness starts to show
They've created the generation
That we know
Washed up and hated
The system moves so slow
They give us answers
To questions they dont even know

You made it
You played it
Your shit is overrated
Your shit is over

Ised up and Jaded
You're thinking way too slow
So we're creating answers
On our own
We can't relate
To what you think you know
And you create
The problems that will never
Go away...

You made it
You played it
Your shit is overrated
Your shit is over


I'd rather fishing
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

portishead-Moloko - Fun For Me
I dreamt that I was dreaming
I was wired to a clock
I tinkle by the minute Hey
Tick tock tick tick tock
I dream I'm on a train
and it is making music
I Don't remember getting off
Klickity Klick Klickity Klick
I dreamt that I was very tall
I was Bigger than King Kong
I heard the bell the bells
a ringin a ding dong a ding dong
I dreamt that I was sitting
In the devil's company
He made a solemn promise
Fee Fi Fo Fun For Me
I dreamt I was chasing
the monster out of me
I got him in a corner
A Ha Ha Hee Hee Hee
I dreamt I'm in a tunnel
Between here and now
Scooby Dooby
A where would you be?
Bow Wow Wow Wow
I dream I'm at a crossroads
No place left to go
I look in each direction
A Iney A Meeny a Miney Moe
I dreamt that I expired
But you aren't looking dead
There's a knocking at the window
A Rat Tat Tat Tat A Rat Tat Tat
I dream I am an ostrich
Head deep in the sand
There's a rhythm that's a playin'
Hit 'da stick
Elastic Band
Na Na Na.....
I dreamt that the Boogieman went down on Mr Spock
Sugar was'a flowin'
Shock it to 'em sock
I dreamt I saw a moo cow jump across the moon
Just to fly the fan says
Zoom zoom zoom
I dreamt I meet a space man
He took me to his ship
Ya know he cut my hair off
Snip snip snip
I dreamt that I was sleeping
Asleep for Heaven's sake
I dreamt I was a dreaming
It cause me to awake
Fee Fi Foe Fun For Me
Fun For Me
Fee Fi Foe Fun For Me
Fun For Me
I dreamt I was way up
I was standing on the top
With the feeling I was falling
Floppy Flop
I dreamt I'm jumping in the circus through a hoop
Some one shut the lights off
Shopp Dee Doo
I dreamt that I was fast
I was never shuttin' up
I was goin' in a hurry
I was Giddy Yup, Giddy Yup!
I dream I'm in the park
I'm standing in the nudie
Getting what I want
Tutti Fruity Tutti Fruity
Fee Fi Foe Fun For Me
Fun For Me
Fee Fi Foe Fun for Me
Fun For Me
I dreampt I was dreaming
I was wired to a clock
Tickle by the minute Hey
Tock tick tock
I dream I'm on a train
And it is making music
Don't remember getting off
klickity Klick
I dreamt that I was very tall
Bigger than King Kong
I heard the bells A'ringin'
A'ring Ding Dong
I dream I am an ostrich
Deep in the sand
Rhythm is a plain'
Elastic Band
Elastic Band
Fee Fi Foe Fun For Me
Fun For Me..............
Fee Fi Foe Fun For Me
Fun For Me..............
Fee Fi Foe Fun For Me
Fun For Me..............
Fee Fi Foe Fun For Me
Fun For Me..............
Fee Fi Foe Fun For Me
Fun For Me..............
Fee Fi Foe Fun For Me
Fun For Me..............
Fee Fi Foe Fun For Me
Fun For Me..............
Fee Fi Foe Fun For Me
Fun For Me..............


beautiful days
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

It's about time that we fell in love
You know that I've been trying
It's about time that we had a laugh
You know that I've been crying

Too many people, too many troubles
Too many mouths are lying

If everybody laughed for just one day
You know that'd make me happy

Too many troubles, too many troubles
Don't know how we live so long
Too many troubles, too many troubles
It's time for us to live and laugh and laugh and laugh

It's about time that I said Hello to all those lonely people
When I was at the back who could never talk back through all the tears and sadness

You never really know who's there beside you
Who will be your comfort
If everybody laughed for just one day you know that'd make you happy

Too many troubles, too many troubles
Don't know how we live so long
Too many troubles, too many troubles
It's time for us to live and laugh and laugh and laugh


Команда форуму
Супер Модератор
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Alma Mater

Mother Tongue speaks to Me
In the strongest way I've ever seen
I know that she sees in Me
Her proudest child, her purest breed

She speaks to Me in colours
That I can't really understand
I only know that they are ours
And to those I'll proudly bend

For I am your only child
And you my dearest mystery
From an ancient throne I defy the world
To kneel before the Power within.

For I am your only child
And you my dearest mystery
World can't you see it?
Am I alone in my belief?

Virando costas ao Mundo
Orgulhosamente sos
Gloria Antiga, volta a nos!


Breaking waves announce my Bride
It is the only way the Sea could sing
Legends of Lusitanian pride
He sings the words I cannot spring

At the Moon Mountain six wolves cry
Your lost glory we'll regain or die

For I am her only child
And she is my dearest mystery
Pagan Gods in conspiracy
For the sword of Tyranny

Mother Tongue has spoke to thee
In the strongest way they've ever seen
World can't you see ?
I am not alone in my belief.


Virando costas ao Mundo
Orgulhosamente sos
Gloria Antiga, volta a nos!


Mother Tongue has spoke to Me
In the strongest way I've ever seen
I know that she sees in Me
Her proudest child, her purest breed

She speaks to Me in colours
I can't really understand
I only know that they are ours
and to those I'll proudly bend

For I am her only child
And she is my dearest mystery
From an ancient throne I defy the world
To kneel before the powers within.

For I am her only child
And she is my dearest tragedy
World can't you see it?
I am not alone in my belief.

Virando costas ao Mundo
Orgulhosamente sos



Команда форуму
Супер Модератор
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Cradle Of Filth-
Nymphetamine (Overdose)

Evanescent like the scent of decay
I was fading from the race
When in despair, my darkest days
Ran amok and forged her face
From the fairest of handmaidens to
A slick perverted wraith


Heaving midst narcissus
On a maledict blanket of stars
She was all three wishes
Sex, sex, sex

A lover hung on her death row
I was hooked on her disease
Highly strung like Cupid's bow
Whose arrows hungered meat
And the blinding flare of passion
In the shade of narrow streets
Where their poison never rationed
All the tips they left in me

Two tracks
Something passed between us
Like a bad crack
I'd met another kind

Of rat
In fact
With every rome inside me
Licked and ransacked
She haunted at the corners of my mind

In black
Wouldn't whitewash away
Her filthy smoke stack
She burnt me like a furnace
For my future suicide


Lead to the river
Midsummer, I waved
A 'V'' of black swans
On with hope to the grave
All through Red September
With skies fire-paved
I begged you appear
Like a thorn for the holy ones

Cold was my soul
Untold was the pain
I faced when you left me
A rose in the rain
So I swore to the razor
That never, enchained
Would your dark nails of faith
Be pushed through my veins again

Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above unto me?
For once upon a time
From the binds of your lowliness
I could always find
The right slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discolours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, a vampyric addiction
To her alone in full submission
None better

Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
Nymphetamine girl
Nymphetamine, nymphetamine
My nymphetamine girl

Wracked with your charm
I am circled like prey
Back in the forest
Where whispers persuade
More sugar trails
More white lady laid
Than pillars of salt

Fold to my arms
Hold their mesmeric sway
And dance her to the moon
As we did in those golden days

Christening stars
I remember the way
We were needle and spoon
Mislaid in the burning hay

Bared on your tomb
I'm a prayer for your loneliness
And would you ever soon
Come above unto me?
For once upon a time
From the binds of your holiness
I could always find
The right slot for your sacred key

Six feet deep is the incision
In my heart, that barless prison
Discolours all with tunnel vision
Sick and weak from my condition
This lust, a vampyric addiction
To her alone in full submission
None better

Nymphetamine (Nymphetamine)
None better

Two tracks
Something passed between us
Like a bad crack
I'd met another kind

Of rat
In fact
With every rome inside me
Licked and ransacked
She haunted at the corners of my mind

In black
Wouldn't whitewash away
Her filthy smoke stack
She burnt me like a furnace
For my future suicide


I'd rather fishing
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Radiohead - Go to sleep

Something for the rag and bone man
Over my dead body
Something big is gonna happen
Over my dead body
Someone's son or someone’s daughter
Over my dead body
This is how I end up sucked in
Over my dead body
I’m gonna go to sleep
And let this wash all over me
We don't really want a monster taking over
Tip toe around, tie him down
We don’t want the loonies takin’ over
Tip toe around, tie him down
May pretty horses come to you as you sleep
I’m gonna go to sleep
And let this wash all over me


Ответ: ПЕСНИ

[highlight]Hoobastank - The Reason[/highlight]

I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
That's why I need you to hear

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you
And the reason is you

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
And the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you



Не тобой болеет сердце (С.Сурганова)

Не тобой болеет сердце,
Cердце бедное не жаль...
А как в небе осень перцем
В доме холод и печаль...
Я укрою поцелуи
Серой ниточкой дождя:
День не кончен, день не начат,
Если рядом нет тебя!

Ни о том, что было раньше,
Ни о том, что ждет теперь,
Не расскажет мой приятель,
Мой неласковый апрель...
Ты пугливой ланью где-то
Промелькнешь в лесах моих.
Затуманенное небо
Разливая на двоих.

Не тобою сон тревожный,
А как стану снова петь.
Голос тихий, голос сложный
На себя накличет смерть.
И пойдет по горлу ветер,
И откроются врата.
Хоть и врозь, но все же вместе:
Ты живешь, и я жива...