
Everybody Dies
deep purple

Sometimes I Feel Like Screaming

While you were out...
the message says
You left a number
and I tried to call
But they wrote it down
in a perfect Spanish scrawl
in a perfect Spanish scrawl
Yet again
I'm missing you
King size bed
(in a) hotel someplace
I hear your name
I see your face
I see your face
(The) back street dolls
and the side door johnnies
The wide eyed boys with their bags full of
Back in the alley
going bang to the wall
Tied to the tail
of a midnight crawl
Heaven wouldn't be
so high I know
if the times gone by
hadn't been so low
The best laid plans
come apart at the seams
and shatter all my dreams
Sometimes I feel like...
close my eyes
It's times like this
my head goes down
and the only thing I know
is the name of this town
is the name of this town
Yet again
I'm missing you
won't be long
O' coming home
Until that distant time
I'll be moving on
I'll be moving on


Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Parabola 2001 г.


We barely remember
Who or what came before this precious moment
We are choosing to be here
Right now, hold on, stay inside
This holy reality
This holy experience
Choosing to be here in
This body, this body holding me
Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me
Feeling eternal all this pain is an illusion
In this holy reality
In this holy experience
Choosing to be here in...
This body, this body holding me
Be my reminder here that I am not alone in
This body, this body holding me
Feeling eternal all this pain is an illusion
Of what it means to be alive
Twirling round with this familiar parable
Spinning, weaving round each new experience
Recognize this as a holy gift and
Celebrate this chance to be alive and breathing
A chance to be alive and breathing
This body holding me
Reminds me of my own mortality
Embrace this moment, remember, we are eternal
All this pain is an illusion


New Member
Ответ: ПЕСНИ



В одном из домов остыл кофе, молчит сигаpета.
И те, кто пpидyт yзнать, что нас нет
Пpостят нас за это.
В этом годy такое жаpкое лето.
Там навеpхy тихо течет pаскаленная кpыша,
Окна откpыты, на ковpике мышка спит.
Бyдет гpоза, молнии ждyт сигнала контpабандиста.
Hа глyбине пpоpвется сквозь сеть твоя Альтависта.
И ты сыгpаешь азбyкy моpзе,
Симфонию Глюка на клавиатypе.
Так что навсегда yходя,
Так что навсегда yходящее солнце замpет
В этом жаpком июле.


New Member
Ответ: ПЕСНИ


She sits in her corner
Singing herself to sleep
Wrapped in all of the promises
That no one seems to keep
She no longer cries to herself
No tears left to wash away
Just diaries of empty pages
Feelings gone astray
But she will sing

Til everything burns
While everyone screams
Burning their lies
Burning my dreams
All of this faith
And all of this pain
I`ll burn it all done
As my anger reigns
Till everything burns

Walking through life unnoticed
Knowing that no one cares
Too consumed in their masquerade
No one sees her there
And still she sings


Til everything burns
Watchingit all fade away
Everyone screams
Burning down lies
Burning my draems
And all of this pain
I`ll burn it all down
As my anger reigns
Til everything burns
Watching it all fade away


There is no place like 12
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

С.Лазарев - Даже если ты уйдёшь
Как мне это понять, чем боль унять
Плачет душа горьким ядом
В сердце словно ножи, как дальше жить
Больше тебя нету рядом
Я помню шёпот горячих губ
И нежность ласковых рук
Я обещанья твои верну
Но лишь любовь не смогу
Даже если ты уйдёшь, всю пустоту миров
Мысли о тебе одной заполнят
Ты закрыла в сердце дверь, оставив там любовь
Даже если ты уйдёшь, она всегда с тобой
Ты помнишь ночи любви, ласки твои
Были дождём звездопада
Каждый миг наших встреч буду беречь
В памяти я как награду
Пускай влюблённая дробь сердец
Звучит для нас как в последний раз
Но как поверить в любви конец
Когда она вечно в нас
Даже если ты уйдёшь, всю пустоту миров
Мысли о тебе одной заполнят
Ты закрыла в сердце дверь, оставив там любовь
Даже если ты уйдёшь, она всегда с тобой
Ты руки мне дала как два крыла
Мы с тобой прикоснулись к небу
В этот миг ты ангелом была
И будешь им всегда
(Даже если ты уйдёшь, всю пустоту миров)
Если ты уйдёшь...
Мысли о тебе одной заполнят
Ты закрыла в сердце дверь, оставив там любовь
Даже если ты уйдёшь, она всегда с тобой
Мысли о тебе одной заполнят
Ты закрыла в сердце дверь, оставив там любовь
Даже если ты уйдёшь, она всегда с тобой
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Akcent - Kylie

Kylie give me
Kylie give me

Baby, you're the one that melt my heart
I swear I'm not lying
Maybe tonight I'm gonna try my luck
I can see that you want me
I'm dreaming about you every night
Every night

Kylie give me just a chance
Let's go out and dance
We can get into the groove
I can watch you move
Later you can sing to me
Like a shining star
But I rather do you on the backseat of my car

Baby, take a minute check me out
I sit in the frontrow
Baby I'm the coolest guy in the crowd
I'm sure you have seen me
I'm dreaming about you every night
every night

Kylie give me just a chance
Let's go out and dance
We can get into the groove
I can watch you move
Later you can sing to me
Like a shining star
But I rather do you on the backseat of my car

You drive me crazy
You slowly drive me crazy
Think about you baby
Can't get you out of my mind
I should be lucky
I should be so lucky
I should be lucky to sleep with you tonight


Kylie give me just a chance
Let's go out and dance
We can get into the groove
I can watch you move
Later you can sing to me
Like a shining star
But I rather do you on the backseat of my car

Kylie give me
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Akon - Pot of gold
Ohhh yeah, dada, dodo, dada, dodo, dada, dodo, Akon

Life come and go
So let the history be told
We're all out here
Hustlin' to make our way
And while you're stumblin' and fallin' (stumblin' and fallin')
Why don't you pick yourself up now (pick yourself up now)
You see we all out here
Working day by day

So tell me
How can we work it out
On that day when its time to share the gold at the end of the rainbow
How can we work it out
When good and evil meet
The day you kiss his feet
Cause it will soon come

You soon lose track of which way is up
when your always being put down (being put down)
You gotta be strong and do what you feel in your heart
Regardless of who's around (regardless of who's around)
I know it might seem bold
But thats all we have (all we have)
Many centuries and we're steady gettin old
But you know to what we never had

How can we work it out
On that day when its time to share the gold at the end of the rainbow
(how can we) How can we work it out (how can we)
When good and evil meet
The day you kiss his feet
Cause it will soon come

How can we work it out
On that day when its time to share the gold at the end of the rainbow
(share the gold)
How can we work it out
When good and evil meet
The day you kiss his feet
Cause it will soon come

How can we work it out (dada)
Dodo (how can we work it out)
How can we work it out (dada)
Dodo ohhhh (dada)
How can we work it out (dodo)
Da da How can we work it out (dodo)
(everybody sing along with me)

How can we work it out
On that day when its time to share the gold at the end of the rainbow
(that pot of gold)
How can we work it out
When good and evil meet
The day you kiss his feet
Cause it will soon come (yeah)

How can we work it out
On that day when its time to share the gold at the end of the rainbow
(that pot of gold)
How can we work it out
When good and evil meet
The day you kiss his feet
Cause it will soon come
(soon come)

How can we work it out
(work it out, work it out, work it out...)

Ice Berry

. . . . . . . . . . . . .
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Nightwish - Dead Boy's Poem

Born from silence, silence full of it
A perfect concert my best friend
So much to live for, so much to die for
If only my heart had a home

Sing what you can`t say
Forget what you can`t play
Hasten to drown into beautiful eyes
Walk within my poetry, this dying music
- My loveletter to nobody

Never sigh for better world
It`s already composed, played and told
Every thought the music I write
Everything a wish for the night

Wrote for the eclipse, wrote for the virgin
Died for the beauty the one in the garden
Created a kingdom, reached for the wisdom
Failed in becoming a god

Never sigh...

"If you read this line, remember not the hand that wrote it
Remember only the verse, songmaker`s cry, the one without tears
For I`ve given this its strength and it has become my only strength.
Comforting home, mother`s lap, chance for immortality
Where being wanted became a thrill I never knew
The sweet piano writing down my life"

"Teach me passion for I fear it`s gone
Show me love, hold the lorn
So much more I wanted to give to the ones who love me
I`m sorry
Time will tell (this bitter farewell)
I live no more to shame nor me nor you

And you... I wish I didn`t feel for you anymore..."

A lonely soul... An ocean soul...


поклоник КИНО
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

1.Над землей-мороз,
Что не тронь,все-лед.
Am D7 D
Лишь во сне моем поет капель
А снег идет стеной,
А снег идет весь день,
Am D Em
А за той стеной стоит апрель.

Am D Em
припев: А он придет и приведет за собой весну.
Am D G
И рассеет серых туч войска.
Am D Em
А когда мы все посмотрим в глаза его,
Am D Em
На нас из глаз его посмотрит тоска.
Am D Em
И откроются двери домов.
Am D G
Да ты садись,а то в ногах правды нет.
Am D Em
И когда мы все посмотрим в глаза его,
Am D Em
То увидим в тех глазах солнца свет.

2.На теле ран не счесть,
Нелегки шаги.
Лишь в груди горит звезда.
И умрет апрель,
И родится вновь,
И придет уже навсегда.

припев: А он придет и приведет за собой весну.
И рассеет серых туч войска.
А когда мы все посмотрим в глаза его,
На нас из глаз его посмотрит тоска.
И откроются двери домов.
Да ты садись,а то в ногах правды нет.
И когда мы все посмотрим в глаза его,
То увидим в тех глазах солнца свет.
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Limp Bizkit - The One

Dead from all the loneliness
And this is how I feel.
Understanding everything has never been my deal.
Maybe you have crossed my path
To live inside of me,
Or maybe you're the reason why
I'm losing all my decency...

Cause I believe that you and me
We could be so...
Happy and free
Inside a world of misery.
And I believe that you and me
We could be so...
Inside of you, inside of me...
Cause this could be the one.

This could be the one...

I've been lookin'
I've been lookin' for my Mrs Right,
But she doesn't exist.
Chemistry is everything,
And we're anything but this.
Maybe I have crossed your path
And swept you off your feet,
Or maybe I'm the reason why you cry at night
Before you sleep.

Cause I believe that you and me
We could be so...
Happy and free
Inside a world of misery.
And I believe that you and me
We could be so...
Inside of you, inside of me...
Cause this could be the one.

This could be the one...

But what do you think?
We could give it a try,
Cause you never know.
Maybe we could be soul mates,
But maybe not...
But maybe so...
If you never try
Then you'll never know.
The grass could be greener,
And it will always be greener on the other side,
But you.. just never know...
This could be the one...

I do believe that you and me
We could be so...
Happy and free
Inside a world of misery.
And I believe that you and me
We could be so...
Inside of you, inside of me...
Cause this could be the one...

This could be the one...

If you're alone don't you cry...
If you can hide, then go hide
But I want you to stay, hey
And blow me away, away.
I want you to stay
And blow me away.