Клара Цеткин
Well-Known Member
гомен за спойлер) Может, выстрелит индийское ружье и Ода умрет в глубокой старости в откружении внуков. Или это вообще не тот Ода...:?

лол, не бываыет не того Оды Нобунаги.Или это вообще не тот Ода...:?
you search the name of the song, there's lots and lots of meaning, so I hope people have lots of fun researching this area.
Краткое содержание: думал Каме, что спеть для соло, даже On My Mind хотел, но песенка уже вошла в сингл One Drop, так что спел 1582, что расшифровал как ичи-го-пан-тсу (трусы с рисунком в клубничку), лол, которые по его словам очень любит.What about Kamenashi-san's solo?
K: At first, since I wanted to do a medium ballad, among the demos I kept “On My Mind”. But that became one of the coupling songs for “ONE DROP”..... If that's the case, I thought that I should go with a song that gives priority to the live performance. Since we started to choose the songs, in three days they were all already decided. Like an intensive short-term course. Actually, I wanted to have more fun with the sound effects, but since I didn't have much time, I think I will try out those things in the live.
T-: When I first saw the title, I wondered what kind of meaning does it have, you know.
K: Ichigo Pants (Strawberry pants)!
T-: Eh? Really?
K: Yeah. Ichi-Go-Pan-Tsu (1-5-8-2).
N: Does that even have a meaning?
K: It's beacause I love strawberry pants (lol).
-T: Is it that kind of song?
T-: For real?
K: Yeah. *At the notes of “Kurarinetto o kowashichatta”*(1) “Boku no daisuki na pantsu wa ichigo~♪” (lol). (My beloved pants are the strawberry ones)
(1) "Kurarinetto o kowashichatta" is a japanese nursery ryhme. KAT-TUN has sang it before, in Okyakusama wa "Kamisamaa".