
oi oi oi oi
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Green Day---собственно песня так и называеться....

A small cloud has fallen
The white mist hits the ground
My lungs comfort me with joy
Vegging on one detail
The rest just crowds around
My eyes itch of burning red
Picture sounds
Of moving insects so surreal
Lay around
Looks like I found something new
Laying in my bed
I think I'm in left field
I picture someone, I think it's you
You're standing so damn close
My body begins to swell
Why does 1 + 1 make 2


Everybody Dies
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

В этом городе цвет, и свет фонарей,
Всe готовит на подвиг, на войну.
В этом месяце дождь ложится на снег
Грохот барабана рождает тишину.

Здесь луна решает, какой,
Какой звезде сегодня стоит упасть.
Здесь мои глаза не видят,
Чем она больна.

Моe тело уже не моe, только жалкая часть,
Жалкая надежда.
Hо во мне всегда жила - истерика!
Какое дикое слово, какая игра,
Какая истерика!

Истерика, но я владею собой
Просто устал, просто устал, но я владею собой.
Какое дикое слово, слово - истерика!

Что со мной - может, может это волнение,
Hе чувствую ритма в висках,
Словно это
Сердце отказало мне во всeм.
Где-то между камней город держит в тисках
А усталый ветер воет только о своeм.

Здесь моe тело поддержка костру,
Я слышу бешеный, бешеный, бешеный, бешеный смех,
И любое дело сразу валится из рук.

Где моя сила, моя любовь, моя свобода,
Какой, какой со мной грех.
Здесь моя надежда, лишь надеется, а вдруг?
Меня, меня бьeт истерика,
Какая страшная мука, страшная боль
Меня бьeт истерика!

Какой удачный исход?
Как долго длилась истерика,
Я знаю скоро пройдeт,
Оставит лишь раны, удачный исход.
Глубокие раны - я не верю, что всe так легко,
Вот он выход - истерика!

Спасибо ветер, ветер я с тобой.
Город, снег.
Вместе с песней оставил свою боль
Ветер унес мою жизнь в океан
И я с тобой весeлый смех,
Спасибо за ветер.

В этом городе цвет, и свет фонарей,
Всe готовит на подвиг, на войну
В этом месяце дождь ложится на снег
Грохот барабана рождает тишину.


New Member
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

(эту песню лучше слушать лежа на травке,смотреть на солнышко и тучки и подпевать)

Зорi, срiбнi в чорнiм морі
Пропливали кролем на схiд -
Хай чекає Захiд

Хвилi, подолавши милi,
Ноги нашi мили, а ми
Спiвали нестримано

Кожен з нас щось може ганджа допоможе
Проросте посмiшкою Джа
Всi колись висiли вуса помочили
В молоцi веселого Джа

Тiло, тихо шелестiло
Все кудись летiло i я
Себе почував молодим космонавтом

Далi, натискав педалi,
Ми уже в астралi не треба
За стежкою стежить


Лiто, нам дарило квiти
Чоколаду плити i ганджа
Це все, що тримало

Танки, танцi, ввечорi i вранцi
Знають все малайцi - скажiть нам
Що гiрше, що краще.

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I'd rather fishing
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Kaiser Chiefs - Everyday I Love You Less And Less

Everyday I love you less and less
It's clear to see that you've become obsessed
I've got to get this message to the press
That everyday I love you less and less
And everyday I love you less and less
I've got to get this feeling off my chest
The Doctor says all I needs pills and rest
Since everyday I love you less and less
Unless, unless
I know, I feel it in my bones
I'm sick, I'm tired of staying in control
Oh yes, I feel a rat upon a wheel
i've got to no what's not and what's real
Oh yes I'm stressed, I'm sorry I digressed
Impressed you're dressed to SOS
Oh, and my parents love me
Oh, and my girlfriend loves me

Everyday I love you less and less
I can't believe once you and me did sex
It makes me sick to think of you undressed
Since everyday I love you less and less
And everyday I love you less and less
You're turning into something I detest
And everybody says that your a mess
Since everyday I love you less and less
Unless, unless
I know, I feel it in my bones
I'm sick, I'm tired of staying in control
Oh yes, I feel a rat upon a wheel
I've got to no what's not and what is real
Oh yes, I'm sorry I digressed
Impressed you're dressed to SOS
Oh, and my parents love me
Oh, and my girlfriend loves me

Oh, they keep photos of me
Oh, thats enough love for me

Oh, and my parents love me
Oh, and my girlfriend loves me
Oh, they keep photos of me
Oh, thats enough love for me


кот Шрёдингера
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Lamar - Too Many Nights

Chorus :
Too many nights too many fights too many years too many tears
too many times that we laughed together
too many moons that we shared together
too many nights too many fights too many years too many tears
too many times that we laughed together
too many moons that we shared together

Girl, you was the light of my life
you were the girl that I would call my wife
you drove me wild love and honesty
you cared for me I cared for you
and there was nothing that I wouldn't do
your love motivated me to live each day
and if it wasn't for you I might be dead today
you got my head on straight you got me out the streets
you're the type of girl that came with true love to me

Every you girl I wish and I pray for blessings
we had many sessions talking the end of lessons
'bout the facts of life husband and wife
being riches like a full count without the strikes
and yea baby with you I really had no fears
since you've been gone out my life I shed many tears
wish I could bring you back wish I could hold you tight
and if I could baby I would hold you all night

chorus (x2)

It was a nice day the sky blue
who would've thought this'd be the last day I see my boo
I wonder who could relay to the things that I'm going through
I love you girl when I miss you well this is true
a fatal car crash took you out my life forever
together we would make it through the worst weather
I got a phone call said that you've been hurt bad
and also I still got a chance to be a dad
hung up the phone and screamed: God please bare my lady
but if you take her lord I beg you please bare the baby
got to the hospital they said you's in operation
I'm walking back and forth filled with anticapation
I'm facing the worst thing in my life ahead
the doctor comes out tell me that my girl is dead
dropped to my knees I couldn't even stand and cry
he said: I'm sorry the baby he also died

chorus (x2)

Если кто найдёт саму эту песню и клип буду очень признателен. Даавно это по VIVA показывали...


Everybody Dies
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Ночь шуршит над головой как вампира черный плащ,
Мы проходим стороной - эти игры не для нас.
Пусть в объятьях темноты бьется кто-нибудь другой,
Мы свободны и чисты, мы проходим стороной.

Вот и я до боли в ушах посмеяться не прочь
Лишь пока светло в небесах, лишь пока не наступит ночь:

Вновь пиковый выпал туз из колоды старых карт,
И опять идет подсчет, кто остался в дураках.
Знает сломанный корабль: жизнь-река и надо плыть,
Буйный ветер рассекать, тихий берег позабыть.

Ночь шуршит над головой как вампира черный плащ,
Мы проходим стороной, эти игры не для нас.
А пока у нас в груди тонкая не рвется нить,
Можно солнцу гимны петь и о ночи позабыть.

Вот и я до боли в ушах посмеяться не прочь
Лишь пока светло в небесах, лишь пока не наступит ночь


Everybody Dies
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Sopor Aeternus
No-one is there

Now and then I'm scared, when i seem to forget
how sounds become words or even sentances...
No, i don't speak anymore and what could i say,
since no-one is there and there is nothing to say...

So, i prefer to lie in darkest silence alone...
listening to the lack of light, or sound,
or someone to talk to, for something to share...
but there is no hope and no-one is there.

No, no, no... not one living soul
and there is nothing (left) to say,
in darkness I lie all alone by myself,
sleeping most of the time to endure the pain.

I am not breathing a word, i haven't spoken for weeks
and yet the mistress inside me is (secretly) straining her ears.
But there is no-one, and it seems to me at times
that with every passing hour another word is leaving my mind...

I am the mistress of loneliness,
my court is deserted but i do not care.
The presence of people is ugly and cold
and something i can neither watch nor bear.

So, i prefer to lie in darkest silence alone,
listening to the lack of light, or sound,
or someone to talk to, for something to share...
but there is no hope and no-one is there.

No, I don't speak anymore and what should i say,
since no-one is there and there is nothing to say?
All is oppressive, alles ist schwer,
there is no-one and


New Member
Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Коли я був Мануна я не знав де верх де низ.
Коли я був Мануна я реагував на свист.
Коли я був Мануна я не знав де Інь,де Янь.
Коли я був Мануна я не задавав таких питань.
Коли я був Мануна я боявся бабая,
Мама лякали – він серед гілля.
Коли я був Мануна я не знав …
Мануну під столом несла космічна магістраль.
...Так, я був мануна, і не знав
Дієго Марадона паровоз чи пароплав?
Мануна, я не думав де наші де німці.
Мануною я видів що хмаринки то є вівці.
Мануною я зовсім не боявся висоти.
Мануною я був зі своїм ego на ти.
Мануною мені були мануни ні до чого,
Мануного цікавили джмелі і бджоли.
Коли я був Мануна я повірив цим словам…
-Бам!Бам!Бам! - каже мій барабан.
-Я хо..!Я хо-ооо….! Бам!Бам!Бам!
© The Вйо


Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Sum 41 «Makes No Difference»

You're running fast and missing but cannot help
The reasons you gave me are all wearing thin.
It's not meant to hurt you but let me assure,
It's not what I said but intentions you've read.

So when you hold onto the past then you
Will break down what little is left.
(And yah)
There's nothing more you can't ignore,
And say it makes no difference to me.

Now that you're older life's weighing on your
You can't seem to keep things so perfectly straight.
With most things so basic you might as well face it.
You can't help but worry it's all just begun

So when you hold onto the past then you,
Will break down what little is left.
(And yah)
There's nothing more you can't ignore,
And say it makes no difference to me.

It makes no difference to me
It makes no difference to me
It makes no difference to me
It makes no difference

So when you hold onto the past then you,
Will break down what little is left.
(And yah)
There's nothing more you can't ignore,
And say it makes no difference to me.

It makes no difference
It makes no difference to me
It makes no difference
It makes no difference to me

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Ответ: ПЕСНИ

Cold "Change The World"

Thinking of the mess was made
you became a part of me
Thinking of the wish you made
to break free
Playing you like I can
shoving it in your face
this doesn't break your heart
I'm the one to blame

I never wanted to change your world
I always wanted the simple things
and whatever happens now
it can't be real

Thinking that you might betray
My own private fantasy
I'm the one that gives
what you need
playing you like I can
Shoving it in your face
if this doesn't tear you apart
I'm the one to blame

[Chorus x2]

Now you're gone
I feel betrayed
You can't blame me
you walked away
Now you're gone
You can't blame me
You walked away

[Chorus x3]

I never wanted to change your world
I always wanted the simple things

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