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Re: C#
Вообще это то, что я прочитал в учебниках этих. Преподаватель мой из УАБД, где я и учусь в данный момент . Вот пару строк из одной книжки:
WHEN YOU CREATE a new programming language, the first question you’re asked invariably is,
why? In creating C# we had several goals in mind:
- To produce the first component-oriented language in the C/C++ family. Software
engineering is less and less about building monolithic applications and more and more
about building components that slot into various execution environments; for example,
a control in a browser or a business object that executes in ASP+. Key to such
components is that they have properties, methods, and events, and that they have
attributes that provide declarative information about the component. All of these
concepts are first-class language constructs in C#, making it a very natural language in
which to construct and use components.
- To create a language in which everything really is an object. Through innovative use of
concepts such as boxing and unboxing, C# bridges the gap between primitive types
and classes, allowing any piece of data to be treated as an object. Furthermore, C#
introduces the concept of value types, which allows users to implement lightweight
objects that do not require heap allocation.
- To enable construction of robust and durable software. C# was built from the ground
up to include garbage collection, structured exception handling, and type safety. These
concepts completely eliminate entire categories of bugs that often plague C++
- To simplify C++, yet preserve the skills and investment programmers already have. C#
maintains a high degree of similarity with C++, and programmers will immediately feel
comfortable with the language. And C# provides great interoperability with COM and
DLLs, allowing existing code to be fully leveraged.
We have worked very hard to attain these goals. A lot of the hard work took place in the C# design
group, which met regularly over a period of two years. As head of the C# Quality Assurance team,
Eric was a key member of the group, and through his participation he is eminently qualified to
explain not only how C# works, but also why it works that way. That will become evident as you
read this book.
I hope you have as much fun using C# as those of us on the C# design team had creating it.
Anders Hejlsberg
Distinguished Engineer
Microsoft Corporation
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Вообще это то, что я прочитал в учебниках этих. Преподаватель мой из УАБД, где я и учусь в данный момент . Вот пару строк из одной книжки:
WHEN YOU CREATE a new programming language, the first question you’re asked invariably is,
why? In creating C# we had several goals in mind:
- To produce the first component-oriented language in the C/C++ family. Software
engineering is less and less about building monolithic applications and more and more
about building components that slot into various execution environments; for example,
a control in a browser or a business object that executes in ASP+. Key to such
components is that they have properties, methods, and events, and that they have
attributes that provide declarative information about the component. All of these
concepts are first-class language constructs in C#, making it a very natural language in
which to construct and use components.
- To create a language in which everything really is an object. Through innovative use of
concepts such as boxing and unboxing, C# bridges the gap between primitive types
and classes, allowing any piece of data to be treated as an object. Furthermore, C#
introduces the concept of value types, which allows users to implement lightweight
objects that do not require heap allocation.
- To enable construction of robust and durable software. C# was built from the ground
up to include garbage collection, structured exception handling, and type safety. These
concepts completely eliminate entire categories of bugs that often plague C++
- To simplify C++, yet preserve the skills and investment programmers already have. C#
maintains a high degree of similarity with C++, and programmers will immediately feel
comfortable with the language. And C# provides great interoperability with COM and
DLLs, allowing existing code to be fully leveraged.
We have worked very hard to attain these goals. A lot of the hard work took place in the C# design
group, which met regularly over a period of two years. As head of the C# Quality Assurance team,
Eric was a key member of the group, and through his participation he is eminently qualified to
explain not only how C# works, but also why it works that way. That will become evident as you
read this book.
I hope you have as much fun using C# as those of us on the C# design team had creating it.
Anders Hejlsberg
Distinguished Engineer
Microsoft Corporation
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