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120 лет назад отрядом армии США в Южной Дакоте были вырезаны сотни стариков, женщин и детей плеени Лакота Сиу. Эта резня была наречена битвой Wounded Knee, хотя на самом деле коренных американцев больных и замёрзших ( дело происходило зимой) попросту убивали, не взирая на пол и возраст. За этот акт геноцида участники бойни получили высокие награды: Медаль Чести. Потомок убитого вождя собирает голоса и просит поддержки всех желающих, чтоб отправить петицию президенту и конгресу. Цель - отмена награждения убийц почётной медалью.

Кто зареган в фейсбуке или твиттере поделитесь линком с знакомыми и друзьями. Спасибо.

Было убито 153 индейца и 25 солдат в той бойне. А не сотни.



Было убито 153 индейца и 25 солдат в той бойне. А не сотни.

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When the mass insanity of the soldiers ended, 153 dead were counted, including Big Foot; but many of the wounded had crawled off to die alone. One estimate place the final death toll at 350 Indian men, women and children. Twenty-five soldiers died and 39 were wounded, most by their own shrapnel and bullets. The wounded soldiers were started back to the Pine Ridge agency. Then a detail of soldiers went over the battlefield, gathering up any Indians that were still alive and placing them in wagons. As a blizzard was approaching, the dead were left where they had fallen. The wagons with the wounded arrived at Pine Ridge after dark. They contained only 4 Sioux men and 47 women and children. These people were left outside in wagons in the bitter cold while a search was made for housing for them. Finally the Episcopal mission was opened, the benches removed and hay scattered over the floor as bedding for the wounded Sioux. As they were brought in, those who were conscious could see the Christmas decorations hanging from the rafters.

After the blizzard a burial party returned to the battlefield, they found the bodies including that of Big Foot, frozen into contorted shapes.


читаем дальше:

When the mass insanity of the soldiers ended, 153 dead were counted, including Big Foot; but many of the wounded had crawled off to die alone. One estimate place the final death toll at 350 Indian men, women and children. Twenty-five soldiers died and 39 were wounded, most by their own shrapnel and bullets. The wounded soldiers were started back to the Pine Ridge agency. Then a detail of soldiers went over the battlefield, gathering up any Indians that were still alive and placing them in wagons. As a blizzard was approaching, the dead were left where they had fallen. The wagons with the wounded arrived at Pine Ridge after dark. They contained only 4 Sioux men and 47 women and children. These people were left outside in wagons in the bitter cold while a search was made for housing for them. Finally the Episcopal mission was opened, the benches removed and hay scattered over the floor as bedding for the wounded Sioux. As they were brought in, those who were conscious could see the Christmas decorations hanging from the rafters.

After the blizzard a burial party returned to the battlefield, they found the bodies including that of Big Foot, frozen into contorted shapes.

Всё правильно - доказанных трупов индейцев - 153. Про якобы имевшее место "уползшие умирать в одиночестве" - так это охарактеризовано как допущение или "есть мнение".

Кстати, данная резня очень похожа на события в Новочеркасске 1962 года в СССР.
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Re: Wounded Knee Creek, SD - 1890
« Reply #1 on Aug 13, 2009, 11:54am »
List of those killed at Wounded Knee Creek, 29 December 1890, from "The Wounded Knee Interviews of Eli S. Ricker"; p. 176-178)

1. Chief Big Foot
2. Mrs. Big Foot
3. Horned Cloud
4. Mrs. Horned Cloud
5. William Horned Cloud, son
6. Sherman Horned Cloud, son
7. Pretty Enemy, niece
8. Mrs. Beard, daughter-in-law
9. Thomas Beard, grandson
10. Shedding Bear
11. Trouble In Front, son
12. Last Running
13. Red White Cow, daughter
14. Mother-in-law of Shedding Bear
15. High Hawk
16. Mrs. High Hawk
17. Little Boy, son
18. Little Girl, daughter
19. Whirl Wind Hawk
20. Mrs. Whirl Wind Hawk
21. Young Lady, daughter
22. Young Girl, daughter
23. Little Girl, daughter
24. Little Boy, son
25. Little Boy, son
26. He Crow
27. Pretty Woman, daughter
28. Buckskin Breech Clout
29. Running in Lodge, son
30. White Feather, son
31. Little Boy, son
32. Bear Woman, the oldest woman in the band
33. Crazy Bear
34. Elk Creek
35. Mrs. Elk Creek
36. Spotted Chief, son
37. Red Fish
38. Mrs. Red Fish
39. Old Good Bear
40. Young Good Bear
41. Mrs. Good Bear
42. Little Boy, son
43. Pretty Hawk
44. Mrs. Pretty Hawk
45. Baby Pretty Hawk
46. Mrs. Lap
47. Shoots the Right
48. Bad Wound, son
49. Bear Parts Body
50. Little Boy, son
51. Brown Beaver
52. White Beaver Woman
53. Black Coyote (the one who made the touble)
54. Red Water Woman
55. Sun In The Pupil
56. Mrs. Sun In The Pupil
57. Henry Three, or Pretty Bold Eagle
58. Iron Eyes (Big Foot's brother)
59. Mrs. Iron Eyes
60. Has a Dog
61. Red Shirt Girl
62. Pretty Woman
63. Albert Iron Eyes
64. White Day
65. Little Boy, son
66. Charge at Them
67. Old Woman, mother
68. Mrs. Iron American
69. Mrs. Yellow Buffalo Calf
70. Louis Close to Home
71. Cast Away and Run
72. Bad Braves
73. Red Horn
74. Winter
75. Strong Fox
76. Mrs. Strong Fox
77. Little Boy, son
78. One Feather
79. Little Boy, son
80. Without Robe
81. Old Man Yellow Bull
82. Mrs. Old Man Yellow Bull
83. Brown Woman
84. Shakes the Bird
85. Red Ears Horse
86. Shoots with Hawk Feather
87. His mother
88. Ghost Horse
89. Little Boy, son
90. Chief Woman
91. Mrs. Trouble in Love
92. Hat
93. Baby boy
94. Mrs. Stone Hammer
95. Little baby
96. Wolf Eagle
97. Good Boy, son
98. Edward Wolf Ears
99. Little Girl
100. Shoots the Bear
101. Kills Assiniboine
102. George Shoots the Bear
103. Mrs. Shoots the Bear
104. Kills Crow Indian
105. Little Body Bear
106. Mrs. Little Body Bear
107. Little Boy, son
108. Baby girl
109. Red Eagle (This man was in the tent and killed by the cannon. Ricker's note.)
110. Eagle Body, daughter
111. Little Girl
112. Little Elk
113. Mrs. Little Elk
114. Black Shield's little girl
115. White Wolf
116. Red Ears Horse, sister
117. Old Woman, her mother
118. Wood Shade
119. Mrs. Wood Shade
120. Running Stand Hairs
121. Mrs. Running Stand Hairs
122. Young lady, daughter
123. Scabbard Knife
124. Mrs. Scabbard Knife
125. He Eagle
126. Mrs. He Eagle
127. Edward He Eagle, son
128. Young girl, daughter
129. Young boy, son
130. Log
131. Mrs. Log
132. Really Woman, son
133. Brown Hoops
134. Little boy, son
135. Young girl, daughter
136. Mule's daughter, young lady
137. Red Other Woman
138. Black Flutes, young boy
139. Takes away the Bow
140. Gray in Eye
141. Mrs. Drops Blood
142. Young boy, son
143. Little boy, son
144. Old Woman
145. Mrs. Long Bull
146. Young girl, daughter
147. Spotted Thunder
148. Swift Bird
149. Mrs. Swift Bird
150. Boy, son
151. Boy, son
152. Strike Scatter
153. Boy, son
154. Wolf Skin Necklace
155. Last Talking, old woman. She is alone, her property, two horses, bedding, and lodge
156. Not go in Among, son of Hailing Bear, and Her Good Medicine
157. Wounded Hand
158. Comes Out Rattling, wife
159. Big Voice Thunder
160. Mercy to Others
161. Long Medicine
162. Broken Arrow
163. Mrs. Broken Arrow
164. Young Man
165. Young Woman
166. Brown Turtle
167. Old Woman, mother
168. Bird Wings
169. Not Afraid of Lodge
170. Bear Comes and Lies
171. Wears Calf's Robe
172. Yellow Robe
173. Wounded in Winter, son
174. Mrs. Black Hair
175. Bad Spotted Eagle - a Cree Indian
176. Mrs. Bad Spotted Eagle (the above were visiting Big Foot's tribe)
177. White American
178. Long Bull
179. Courage Bear
180. Mrs. Courage Bear
181. Fat Courage Bear
182. George Courage Bear
183. Black Hawk
184. She Bear, wife
185. Weasel Bear, daughter (Joe Horn Cloud added Weasel Bear when we were running this list over. Ricker.)

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