Mістами-побратимами (Sumy,Ukraine & Vratsa, Bulgaria)


Враца, България
Hello from ! :)

I guess you know that Sumy and Vratsa are twin cities (містами-побратимами). This dates back to the 60s. In honor of twinning, in our town was built shopping complex called . In 2005 it was reconstructed but kept its name.

I want to know if there in Sumy a building, shop or something else, that is called Vratsa (Враца)? It would be nice if it kept its name. :)

Here are some pictures from the shopping center Sumy (СУМИ) in Vratsa

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Before reconstruction (90s)

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we have 3 16-storey living buildings with shopping center, which was called "Враца" at 1980s. at the one of these buildings was sign "Враца", but as far as i remember it's dismantled. but i know where to find another inscription "Враца" in Sumy. I'll publish it photo soon


Враца, България
Thanks for this information! I will be glad to see your photos. :beer2:
Останнє редагування:


Интересная информация, спасиба за фото из Болгарии!
Приятно что где-то знают о Сумах.
У нас фонтан есть с містами-побратимами, может кто выложит фото.


Враца, България
Maybe it will be interested for you to know, that "Sumy" for us is not only the name of trade center. The square in front of "Sumy" which is place for meeting of lot of people, also is called colloquially Sumy (although the official name of the square is "Macedonia")
How you can understand, the name of your city is very often existing in the comunication of the citizens of Vratsa :cool: